Group by之后vid被转换为其他格式,导致下一句无法查询

rt, 请问这个问题是feature还是bug,有没有对应的解决方法

$tagID = lookup on tagss where'Rupert_Murdoch';\
$tagMessage = go from $tagID.VertexID over comment_hasTag_tag reversely yield comment_hasTag_tag._dst as id union distinct go from $tagID.VertexID over post_hasTag_tag reversely;\
$msgLike = go from $ over person_likes_post reversely yield person_likes_post._src as msgID, person_likes_post._dst as personID union all go from $ over person_likes_comment reversely yield person_likes_comment._src as msgID, person_likes_comment._dst as personID;\
$msgLikeCount = yield $msgLike.msgID as msgID |  group by $-.msgID yield $-.msgID as msgID, count(*) as likeCount, 0 as replyCount;\
$msgCom =  go from $ over comment_replyOf_comment reversely yield  comment_replyOf_comment._src as msgID, comment_replyOf_comment._dst as comID union all go from $ over comment_replyOf_post reversely yield comment_replyOf_post._src as msgID, comment_replyOf_post._dst as comID;\
$msgComCount = yield $msgCom.msgID as msgID| group by $-.msgID yield $-.msgID as msgID, 0 as likeCount, count(*) as replyCount;\
$msgAllCount = yield $msgLikeCount.msgID as msgID, $msgLikeCount.likeCount as likeCount, $msgLikeCount.replyCount as replyCount union all yield $msgComCount.msgID as msgID, $msgComCount.likeCount as likeCount, $msgComCount.replyCount as replyCount;\
$newMsgCombine = yield $msgAllCount.msgID as msgID , $msgAllCount.likeCount as likeCount, $msgAllCount.replyCount as replyCount union all yield $ as msgID, 0 as likeCount, 0 as replyCount;\
$msgCount = yield $newMsgCombine.msgID as msgID , $newMsgCombine.likeCount as likeCount, $newMsgCombine.replyCount as replyCount| group by $-.msgID yield $-.msgID as msgID, sum($-.likeCount) as likeCount ,sum($-.replyCount) as replyCount;\
 go from $msgCount.msgID over post_hasCreator_person yield post_hasCreator_person._dst as id union go from $msgCount.msgID over comment_hasCreator_person
#突然失去了vid的类型??? Build internal index for input data failed. The specific vid column `msgID' is not type of VID, column index: 0l. rhs has error: Build internal index for input data failed. The specific vid column `msgID' is not type of VID, column index: 0l.

yield $-.msgID as msgID 把vid转成int了。这是bug,我们尽快修复。感谢您的反馈!


这个错误在4天前就被修复了。详见 。您可以使用 merge 之后的 nightly 版本。

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